n WITS COMS3010 Operating Systems, Spring 2019

WITS COMS3010: Operating Systems, Spring 2019

Tentative schedule

WeekDayTopicReadingHW AssignedEventTutorial HandoutsExtra resources
1 Wed 26/07 Introduction to Operating Systems A&D Ch1
2 Wed 02/08 Introduction to Process A&D Ch2 HW0
4 Wed 16/08 Introduction to Process -- continued A&D Ch2 and Ch3 HW1 HW0 due
5 Wed 23/08 Introduction to I/O and filesystems A&D 11.1--11.2 Tutorial1 (Solutions) code from lecture
6 Wed 30/08 Introduction to concurrency and threads AD 4.1-4.5, 4.9 code from lecture
7 Wed 06/09 Thread coordination A&D 5.1-5.4 Tutorial2 (Solutions) code from lecture
9 Wed 20/09 Scheduling A&D 7.1 HW2 HW1 due
10 Wed 27/09 MIDTERM Q&A Midterm test on Thursday at 12:30
11 04/10 Virtual memory I A&D 8.1-8.4
12 11/10 Virtual memory II A&D 8.1-8.4 Tutorial3
13 18/10 Caching and virtual memory A&D Ch9 HW2 due
14 25/11 Filesystems and persistent storage A&D Ch11, Ch12, Ch13
15 16/11 FINAL EXAM

Website template courtesy of Vaishaal Shankar and George Yiu (UC Berkeley)

Maintained by Dmitry Shkatov
Last modified: Fri Jul 12 15:33:00 SAST 2019